Sunday, February 22, 2009

ET is not comming back mate.

so last friday night we got our grove on and at school we were all heaps keen to get photos and liek 4:30 came around and started calling people then we ended up having the best crew of a hole 2 people. but it tured out to be good fun. rocked up at tuggers at around liek 6:30 ish and just chilled for a while rode trentys bike for a tad and must i say its fair shredding... then i started to set up to get a photo of a table from trent and this little kiler of a kid asked me a good 100 questions as to what im doing and made sure that the flas went of every test witch was rather werid hearing " yer it went that time "after it went off 1000 times hahah. then we got of our asses and went ot hit up some twisters aat KFC and the girl with downs was working and like would not let us leave till we cleaned up haha then she started hitting on nathen witch was good time haha. then back to the skatepark so shoot a few photos of nathen trying foot jams and shit haha then we got what we wanted so i just rode nathes bike and he played on the camera haha :P

on saturday morning i was board shitless in phillip so i made a BOONTS YEAH sign witch is fair shredding so hha that is the top pic .. hear is the photo from the night. and the name of this thread is a quote by little camo out of no were he said it in maths witch was fair cool.. imm gonna get all you bannanah heads a list of all the things camo sais haha.

love and respect.

nathen sticking the foot in

nathen blasting a tabes

trenty throwing the feet off

nathen black and white tabes

trenty tabes
show ua a fuf trenty

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